Thursday, July 4, 2019

You want me to do what?

Happy Forth of July to you all. This has been an interesting week of celebration for us in the Divine family as I have traveled with our son Jon and our daughter Christina to help move her to Fort Collins, Colorado. Christina will be starting a three year residency in Equine Reproduction in a couple of weeks. 

I am so ready to be home for the rest of the summer, but have been blessed by our time in Cambridge, London and the time traveling across our beautiful nation.  

This week as you study our scripture passage from 2 Kings 5:1-14 I want to encourage you to do something you may have never done before. First, read through the passage to get an idea of the overall story. Then go back and read the story from the perspective of the King of Aram, then read it a third time from the perspective of Naaman and finally read the story from the perspective of Elisha.  

  1. How does the story read differently from the perspective of each of these characters?
  2. Why would the King of Aram go to such an expense to try to help Naaman? Have you ever gone out of your way to help a friend?
  3. How did Naaman approach Elisha and Elisha’s plan for healing and what did this say about Naaman?
  4. How can you serve people who have need that you encounter in your life?

Have fun studying this week and my prayer is that you will hear from God as you dive into this Scripture.  

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