Saturday, February 20, 2016

Take Courage

Daily Reading: Psalms 23; Acts 27

But take courage! None of you will lose your lives, even though the ship will go down. For last night an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I serve stood beside me… Acts 27:22-23

Acts 27 tells us that after battling a horrible storm for several days, having not eaten and fearing for their lives Paul comes to the ships crew and gives this powerful encouragement. Paul had such an intimate relationship with Christ that he had angels of the Lord come to him and direct his path. Here’s the great news, we can all have this relationship! In fact, if we are surrendered to Christ and growing in our walk with Him we have our host of angels walking alongside our path. 

I have never heard God speak to me through the physical presence of an angel coming to stand beside me, but I have experienced the voice of God clearly speaking in my mind to give me direction, especially in a time of distress. I have experienced the living presence of the Holy Spirit walking with me and in me.  

The question for me is, “Am I growing as a disciple of Christ?” This is the key. John Wesley often talked about the “means of grace.” These are the disciplines that we do to put us into a place of openness to the filling of God’s grace. They are practices that are not to be looked at legalistically, but with joy, as God has given us certain things we can do that open pathways of connection with Him.  This past few days I have been at a Clergy Retreat called Missio Ecclesia where we were reminded of our primary calling as Christians, which was and is to be disciples and disciple makers.

During our first day our Bishop, Ken Carter gave us a working definition of discipleship from the book Longing for Spring, by Heath and Kisker.


A process of initiation
into a holy life,
revealed in Jesus Christ,
anchored in the church,
empowered by the Holy Spirit,
surrendered to the reign of god,
for the transformation of the world.

As I read through this active description of discipleship it is evident that there is work involved in this process, but I see the glow of God through it as well. I am spending the next couple of weeks, while on a mission trip to the Congo to break down his discipleship process for me own life. So that I can grow in the presence of God with me daily!

Lord, grow us in you, so that we can sense the fullness of you with us minute by minute. Amen.

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